Sunday, March 18, 2012

Haven't signed up for P&G Samples and Coupons?

If you haven't signed up yet, you're missing out! Make sure to request your P&G brandSampler now!

Save $1 on Playtex Sport Tampons

Money making Neosporin

Use $5 off Neospoin trial pack (no longer available) then fill out this Neosporine Rebate Form making it a $5 Money Maker 

Save $1.50 on Biore ... $2.01 MM at CVS

This week at CVS received $5 in ECB when you buy (2) Birore cleansers or strips
 use BOGO from 3/4 SS and a $1.50 coupon from their Facebook page.

Buy (2) price will vary from about $7.49 or so = $14.98
Use (1)BOGO & (1)$1.50 found HERE
also use $3 off $15
Pay $2.99 
Get $5ECB 
$2.01 MM

**Prices will vary, so don't quote me on the price.